Impressum / Imprint

    GaitoBot Website / GaitoBot Editor

    © 2024 Springwald Software and Licensors

    All rights reserved

    This website/product is provided by

    See imprint:

    Springwald Software GmbH

    Thanks to

    • Dr. Richard S.Wallace (the inventor of AIML)
    • Thomas Smits
    • Dirk Starke
    • Robin Kalkowski
    • Manuel Loof
    • Dietmar Smolle
    • Thorsten Dolczewski
    • Christian Bartsch
    • Robert Beyer

    This software uses open source libraries

    Client: References / Libraries

    Website / Server

    Xml Editor

    GaitoBot Interpreter (on client and server)


    GAITO® is a brand name registered with the German Patent and Trademark Office. All rights reserved.



    Made in Bochum

    GaitoBot Editor created using Microsoft blazor